Tuesday, September 24, 2019

An Unstoppable Convergence Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

An Unstoppable Convergence - Coursework Example This fact has formed, as Ralf Nader puts it, a kind of â€Å"duopoly† in American political life. Yet the point is that when one party loose, another party takes benefits from that. Along with the winner ideas and interests of this party are established on the highest level. And whoever comes to power, the result is always the same – â€Å"a corporate statist†, because one ideology can only win by restraining another. But that’s not how things naturally should go in the society. Nader says in Introduction, he had noticed that an ideology doesn’t matter in people’s everyday life. When he was young and helped with the local restaurant his father owned in Winsted, Connecticut and also, when Ralf Nader was hitchhiking, he noticed that people did not organize themselves according to their political views, but they have gathered together a common interest and common current thing they need to do. Therefore Nader stresses on the idea that ideologica l confrontation disappears when there’s a clear understanding what thing is the right thing to do. Behind an ideological explanation of the problem, there's always a common issue which can be found and shared by different parties adherents. In U.S. history there are a lot of examples of such cooperation, or â€Å"a convergence† as Ralf Nader puts it. That means it’s not only an interpersonal relationships’ characteristic. In 1982 a coalition against The Breeder Reactor Project in Tennessee was formed.

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